Impact Groups
This year, we will be continuing with impact groups which will be held weekly in person in Zeros from 7pm in the Student Union. These are our weekly main meeting times and include discussion as well as time to get to know one another as the semester goes on.
We're really pushing for impact groups to be a strong core component of CU life this year! Come along to dive into the gospel of John in the 'I am' series. We aim to have groups of 4-8 people whom you can get to know really well along with the rest of the CU!
We're really pushing for impact groups to be a strong core component of CU life this year! Come along to dive into the gospel of John in the 'I am' series. We aim to have groups of 4-8 people whom you can get to know really well along with the rest of the CU!
2022/23 Semester 1
Book of John - 'I am' series
19/09/22 I am the light of the world (John 8:12-20) IMPACT STUDY
26/09/22 I am the gate (John 10:1-11) IMPACT STUDY
03/10/22 I am the resurrection and the life (John 11:17-44) TALK
24/10/22 I am the good shepherd (John 10:1-21) IMPACT STUDY
07/11/22 I am the true vine (John 15:1-11) TALK
14/11/22 I am the way, the truth and the life (John 14:1-14) IMPACT STUDY
19/09/22 I am the light of the world (John 8:12-20) IMPACT STUDY
26/09/22 I am the gate (John 10:1-11) IMPACT STUDY
03/10/22 I am the resurrection and the life (John 11:17-44) TALK
24/10/22 I am the good shepherd (John 10:1-21) IMPACT STUDY
07/11/22 I am the true vine (John 15:1-11) TALK
14/11/22 I am the way, the truth and the life (John 14:1-14) IMPACT STUDY